Michael Dexter

Meet Michael Dexter, the passionate owner of Kilted Squirrel Golf Apparel and Accessories, where his love for golf and Scottish heritage converge. With a deep-rooted enthusiasm for the sport spanning years, Michael brings a unique perspective to the golfing community. Hailing from a lineage steeped in Scottish tradition, he carries with him a profound appreciation for the origins and essence of golf. Through his brand, Michael combines his entrepreneurial spirit with his genuine affection for the game, offering golfers stylish apparel and accessories inspired by both contemporary trends and the timeless allure of Scottish culture. Whether on the green or behind the scenes, Michael's dedication shines through, as he continues to share his passion for golf with enthusiasts around the world.

History of Golf: Tracing the Green Origins

History of Golf: Tracing the Green Origins The article provides an overview of the history and origins of golf, including…

6 months ago

From Tweed to Tech: How Golf Apparel Has Adapted Throughout History

The evolution of golf apparel from traditional tweed to modern technical wear reflects not only changes in fashion but also…

6 months ago

The Rise of Women’s Golf Leagues

The history of women in golf is marked by a trail of challenges that hindered their full participation in the…

6 months ago

The Captivating World of Men’s Golf, Exploring Its Rich History

Men’s golf, a sport synonymous with precision, skill, and legacy, has traversed a remarkable path, shaped by iconic figures, historic…

7 months ago

The History of Interesting Golf Attire: A Stylish Evolution

Golf attire has come a long way from the days of tweed jackets and plus fours. The evolution of interesting…

7 months ago

Unraveling the Enigma: The Mysterious Origins of Golf

Unraveling the Enigma: The Mysterious Origins of Golf The article provides a comprehensive overview of the history and evolution of…

7 months ago

Women’s Golf Journey From The Sidelines To The Forefront

Women’s golf has evolved into a captivating and influential facet of the broader golfing landscape, marked by its own unique…

7 months ago